Alaska fishing opportunities abound at Bearclaw Lodge in Bristol Bay. Located on the shores of Lake Aleknagik, this Bristol Bay lodge offers freshwater fishing in the rivers, lakes and creeks within the productive Wood River system, as well as epic flyouts to the Nushagak River to target king, chum and silver salmon.
The season kicks off in mid-June with anglers targeting Arctic char, rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, northern pike, as well as king, chum and sockeye salmon. Three of the highlights in this time period are targeting large Arctic char on smolt patterns at the mouth of the Agulowak River, catching sockeye salmon while wade angling on the mainstem Agulowak, and battling mighty king salmon on the Nushagak River. Bearclaw Lodge is able to offer varied Alaska fishing packages because they have multiple locations that offer Bristol Bay fishing; Bearclaw Lodge on Lake Aleknagik and Alaska Kingfishers on the lower Nushagak River, which is primarily a king salmon camp.
One of the interesting and special elements of the Bearclaw Lodge fishing program is the ability to hike and wade fish many different creeks in the system. Some require an arduous hike of up to five miles, while others are easily conquered after a mild one-mile excursion. These trips combine stunning scenery, an ability to see a diversity of fisheries, and the ability to wade and angle to some of Alaska’s most beautiful fish.
By the third week in July, anglers visiting Bearclaw Lodge will be treated to the season’s best dry fly fishing for Arctic grayling and rainbow trout. Last year’s salmon carcasses are gone, smolt have migrated out and are heading to the sea, and this year’s sockeye have not started to drop eggs. This is a special time in Alaska when resident fish are looking up. In addition to dries, including mice, streamers and nymphs are effective.
Nearby Rivers & Lakes
The Agulowak River (Wak)
On the mainstem Wak, guests can target sockeye salmon. These fish are pound-for-pound the strongest fighting salmon in Alaska. The Wood-Tikchik system hosts annual sockeye returns in excess of a million salmon, with several hundred thousand destined for the Wak. Anglers wade and fish with either fly or conventional gear using sparsely tied flies to catch sockeye (aka red salmon) as they migrate upriver. Succulent fillets and bent rods are often the results. Anglers can also target rainbow trout and Arctic grayling. The 4-mile Wak is jammed full of trout, as well as grayling, presenting anglers with many opportunities to land fish.
The Agulukpak River (Pak)
Part of Bearclaw’s Alaska fishing package includes an optional flyout to the Agulukpak (Pak) River, located within the heart of the Wood-Tikchik system. This short river of about two miles is home to both rainbow trout and Arctic grayling. Both resident species can be caught on dry flies, nymphs and streamers. 6-weight fly rods and floating line are appropriate. Common and useful dry fly patterns include Royal Coachman, Parachute Adams, Stimulators, in sizes 12 to 18. Popular and effective nymph patterns include zebra midges, Prince nymphs, beadhead nymphs, Hare’s Ear, etc., also in sizes 12 to 18. It’s thrilling when a large rainbow trout explodes on a dry fly or smashes a dead-drifted nymph and races into your backing.
The Nushagak River
Alaska fishing packages during this time of year at Alaska Kingfishers on the Nushagak River revolves around catching king salmon, also known as Chinook. Gear anglers fish from comfortable river boats, usually four guests per boat, and employ a range of techniques including back trolling plugs or divers and bait (cured roe), dragging (also known as boon dogging) bait, bobber dogging bait, float fishing jigs or bait, and downstream trolling spinners. Anglers who just can’t get enough can also plunk with bait while sitting at the campfire in the evening. Adult Nushagak Chinook range from 15 to about 30 pounds, with some larger fish landed each year. Guests from Bearclaw Lodge fly over to Alaska Kingfishers and fish two days on the river while spending one night.
Fly anglers who plan on targeting king salmon ought to come prepared with a 10-weight or larger, and be prepared to swing streamers and nymph big egg patterns. It’s wise to come armed with a range of sinking lines, as well as a floating line, so as to be best able to swing flies in a range of depths and current speeds. Water level, color, temperature and the strength of the salmon run effect where fly anglers can catch kings. To really be prepared, a 200 to 500-grain shooting head with interchangeable sink tips would give an angler a range of options and presentation abilities.
For either the gear or fly angler, chum salmon are numerous in the Nushagak River and can be caught on gear or flies. They are aggressive biters, and fight as hard as any salmon that swims. This will be one of the species of salmon to add to your target list when you come to the Nushagak. There’s not too many chums in the Nush that can ignore a pink streamer, spoon or spinner on the swing.
Lake Nerka
A final component of the Bearclaw Lodge Alaska fishing package is a trip into Lake Nerka – the second lake in this system – for a scenic trip to view and hike a waterfall that comes out of the side of a mountain. Nearby is a small tributary that holds char and grayling. During a normal year, guests who visit this location will be awed by the ice cave that is usually present through mid-July.
Wood River
From mid-June through mid-September, anglers can target a range of species while drift fishing from a boat in the Wood River. Mid-June through mid-July anglers are able to target sockeye salmon, rainbow trout, Arctic char and grayling. As mid-July comes around the focus is primarily on rainbow trout and grayling. From mid-June through the first of August, salmon have not started dropping eggs, so anglers will offer dry flies, nymphs, and streamers to trout, grayling and char. From August through mid-September anglers target rainbow trout, grayling, and Dolly Varden on bead patterns behind spawning salmon. Silver salmon begin to arrive at the beginning of this period and remain strong throughout. In addition to throwing hardware, including spinners, spoons, and twitching jigs, fly anglers can also present streamers to snappy coho.
Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
Alaska fishing trips at Bearclaw Lodge are designed to soothe your spirit and leave you feeling rejuvenated and renewed.
You can look forward to enjoying the tranquil lodge atmosphere and the breathtaking beauty of the Bristol Bay region. Plus, you’ll have the chance to reel in some of the most remarkable fish found in the country.
Our guests depart feeling energized, refreshed, and uplifted from their experience with us.
Our Packages
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